Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-drugs-and Rock 'n' Roll Generation Changed Hollywood

alternativer Titel: Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-drugs-and Rock 'n' Roll Generation Changed Hollywood by Peter Biskind (1999-09-27)

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Textstellen und Zitate

  • To the Hollywood old guard, the good news was that after nearly a decade of floundering, the movies had finally connected, found a new audience. the bad news was that Easy Rider was another slap in the face, more punishing even than Bonnie & Clyde. Unlike Beatty, who was an insider, Hopper and Fonda were renegades, Hollywood-bashers, the Vietcong of Beverly Hills. To them it was vindication, beating Hollywood at its own game, proof that you could get high, express yourself and make money all the same time. (S. 74 über den phänomenalen, unerwarteten Erfolg von Easy Rider) · Christian_alternakid
  • Hopper was still a celebrity. He was on the cover of "Life". The intense aura of expectancy that surrounded "The Last Movie" had reached fever pitch. Tanen (Produzent bei Universal) knew the truth. He had screened the movie with Dennis and Julie Stein at the executive screening room at the top of the Black Tower that housed the executive offices at Universal. When the movie was over, there was dead silence. The two executives were in shock. Then, through the wall, clear as a bell, they heard the projectionist say, "They sure named this movie right, because this is gonna be the last movie this guy ever makes". Recalls Tannen, "We had a thing called catastrophe - not disaster - catastrophe. This was a full-blown earthquake on the nine level and there was nothing you could do. You couldn't cut it, you couldn't add to it. This was what the movie was. There was nowhere to run.". (S. 134 über Dennis Hoppers "Easy Rider"-Nachfolge-Film "The Last Movie") · Christian_alternakid
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